Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Is Google on Self Destruct?

Holy cow! I did not crank up my little blog here with the intent to write ab out Google every day, but every time I log on there seems to be another story about some Google blunder or other. The "one" that caught me eye today was about eBay pulling all their ads from Google's Adwords.

According to a story via Yahoo! News Google has been lobbying eBay to accept their "Checkout" online payment system, which is a competitor to eBay's PayPal system. So, Google decides to throw a party at the same time eBay is holding a conference for its merchants. What a way to treat a zillion dollar client huh? EBay tried to down play the whole issue and had this to say initially: "This is part of an ongoing experiment to look at how we market across all media channels, " said eBay spokesman Hani Durzy.

Adwords = Google
For those of you who don't know Adwords is Google's primary source of ad revenue and Yahoo! sources revealed that the eBay pullout was in response to Google's inappropriate behavior toward them. Durzy finally responded to questions about the Google party saying essentially that eBay did not think this was a way to treat a valued partner. No kidding? Well , don't expect them to apologize eBay, Google is above all that as we are seeing in other news.

Seriously folks, I do not just look around for goofy Google stuff to write about. I do not even like Google and would much rather write about other companies. However, they are a huge Internet presence that should have their act together. I guess that is how I am amazed at the arrogance and stupidity that abounds from them.

Where Do They Get Off?
Privacy, insults, international goofs, copyright issues and enough lawsuits to choke Harvard Law school. One stupid thing after another and everyone seems to just get all googly eyed every time they add some gadget. I don't get it. I applaud eBay for snatching their ads, perhaps if some more companies would grow a pair Google would act civilized, maybe even say when they are wrong or something big like that.